How Does Furniture Affect Your HVAC?
Jan 26, 2021

When you think about factors that might trigger certain HVAC effects in your home, furniture may not be at the top of the list. However, many furniture pieces of a certain size placed inside the house exert influence on the indoor environment. The type of furniture and the size, as well as the arrangement of the furniture, can impact system performance and component life, as well as influence air quality in the house.
HVAC Effects Caused by Furniture
You’ll want to consider airflow issues, solar shading, indoor pollutants, and general AC usage when placing your furniture in your home. While it may seem insignificant, double-checking the type, size, and placement of your furniture can help keep your HVAC in tip-top condition. This means saved money in the long run due to fewer necessary repairs.
A few examples of HVAC effects caused by furniture include:
Airflow issues.
Placement of furniture in a room can redirect heated or cooled air in ways that enhance or detract from comfort. Locating furniture too close to HVAC air vents also makes a difference. Large furniture situated within 18 inches of a supply air vent decreases airflow and can affect temperature consistency. Balanced airflow volume entering and leaving the room is also disrupted.
Solar shading.
Sunshine streaming through windows brings both light and heat into the house. More solar heat means longer A/C cycles to compensate for heat gain and higher cooling costs. Research shows that placing furniture in the path of sunlight creates shadows on the floor. It also allows the walls to absorb solar heat energy into the home.
Indoor pollutants.
Furniture may release fumes, especially volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde. These vapors accumulate within the enclosed environment of a house to levels that cause allergic reactions or illness in susceptible individuals. Wooden furniture manufactured with certain glues releases VOCs, particularly when new. The foam material used for padding and cushioning is another source. Room air filters that utilize replaceable active charcoal or carbon filter elements can help control VOCs, particularly in rooms with new furniture.
A/C coil damage.
Indoor air continuously recirculates through the evaporator coil located in the system air handler. When volatile organic compounds released by furniture materials combine with moisture on coil surfaces, the chemical reaction creates an acidic substance. Over time, acid gradually corrodes copper coil tubing, causing refrigerant leaks and shortening service life.
For more information about the causes and cures of HVAC effects, ask the professionals at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.
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