Tags: blower motor | Rinaldis

A Wet Air Filter Could Be a Sign of Bigger Air Conditioner Problems

A Wet Air Filter Could Be a Sign of Bigger Air Conditioner Problems

August 13, 2015

The air filter is a simple, yet vital component of the HVAC system. The filter protects the blower motor and evaporator coil from damage and poor performance caused by debris accumulation and mold development. For the best cooling results, the filter should be changed as the manufacturer suggests, installed correctly and remain dry. If you notice …

Regularly Changing Your Air Filter Helps Your HVAC System: Learn How

Regularly Changing Your Air Filter Helps Your HVAC System: Learn How

April 29, 2014

The air filter in your HVAC system is one of the most important parts. There are many reasons changing your air filter is important, both for your system and your health.

How A Variable-Speed Blower Motor Can Extend The Life Of Your Furnace

How A Variable-Speed Blower Motor Can Extend The Life Of Your Furnace

December 27, 2011

When a motor has to operate at full throttle, it has to work harder and is more likely to die sooner. Unfortunately, for a long time, the only option for a furnace motor was a single-stage blower motor. This meant that the motor was either on or it was off and, once installed, there was …