Tags: buying a house | Rinaldis

Before Buying, Have Your HVAC Inspection by a Pro

Before Buying, Have Your HVAC Inspection by a Pro

August 10, 2017

Buying a home can be overwhelming. There is so much to look at and consider before you make a decision, but one thing you don’t want to overlook is the HVAC system. And that means not settling for the somewhat cursory once-over provided in the home inspection, but insisting on a thorough going-over by a …

Ways Copper Pipes Could Sway Your Home Buying Decision

Ways Copper Pipes Could Sway Your Home Buying Decision

July 5, 2017

If you’re considering purchasing a new home, copper pipes could tip the balance. The total cost of a new house necessarily includes calculating short- and long-term expenses you may be facing. If the house incorporates galvanized steel pipes utilized in some residential construction in the past, most plumbing professionals and home inspectors will advise removing …

5 HVAC Considerations When You’re Purchasing a Home

5 HVAC Considerations When You’re Purchasing a Home

October 11, 2016

When you are buying a house, some of the first home features that catch your eye may be the roof, exterior cladding, interior design, and appliances. However, there are other systems, such as the HVAC system, that are out of sight and may not beckon your attention.