Tags: energy consumption | Rinaldis

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink

February 12, 2013

In these times of downsizing, many Americans are trying to cut costs and save money. Considering that the cost of keeping your home heated and cooled, as well as properly lit, can account for a significant chunk of your paycheck, it makes sense to conserve and economize wherever possible. Here are some ways you can …

Lowering Your Cooling Load For Lighter Energy Bills

Lowering Your Cooling Load For Lighter Energy Bills

August 28, 2012

Across America, residents spend nearly $12 billion on air conditioning every summer. As a central Florida resident, chances are good that air conditioning is responsible for well over half of your electric bills this summer. The key to lower cooling bills is a lower cooling load. If you want to avoid spending a lot of …

How A Well-Designed Landscaping Plan Can Help You Keep Your Home Insulated

How A Well-Designed Landscaping Plan Can Help You Keep Your Home Insulated

August 23, 2011

Landscaping is a great way to make the outside of your home beautiful. But you should also consider the benefits landscaping has on your energy consumption.

Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning Service: Our HVAC Contractor Certifications Matter

Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning Service: Our HVAC Contractor Certifications Matter

August 18, 2011

If you are one of the millions of people who have moved to Floridato experience warm weather most of the year, then you know how important air conditioning is. The average temperature in Orlandois over 80 degrees for about seven months of the year. Excellent HVAC service is a necessity, as well as an HVAC …

Rinaldi’s Top Tips For Summer Energy Savings

Rinaldi’s Top Tips For Summer Energy Savings

July 21, 2011

Most homeowners experience rising energy costs in the summer, primarily because the heat outside forces the near-constant use of your air conditioning. If you don’t want your utility bills to skyrocket out of control, you’ll need to trim down your energy consumption in other ways. Fortunately, there are plenty of summertime energy-savings tips you can use …

Energy Savings Ideas With A Whole-House Approach For Central Florida Homeowners

Energy Savings Ideas With A Whole-House Approach For Central Florida Homeowners

May 17, 2011

As the price of energy increases, you may be wondering how you can reduce your home’s energy consumption and lower your monthly utility bills. The Energy Star website is a great resource for those of you in the Orlando area. Energy Star is a U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored program that provides useful information on how …