Tags: plumbing | Rinaldis

Using a Garbage Disposal Responsibly

Using a Garbage Disposal Responsibly

July 25, 2017

Your garbage disposal is a pretty handy appliance. It allows you to dispose of small amounts of food waste down the drain, but unfortunately, many homeowners don’t really understand that key word “small.” There’s an inclination to shove anything and everything in large quantities into the disposal, and then homeowners are surprised when the appliance …

Ways Copper Pipes Could Sway Your Home Buying Decision

Ways Copper Pipes Could Sway Your Home Buying Decision

July 5, 2017

If you’re considering purchasing a new home, copper pipes could tip the balance. The total cost of a new house necessarily includes calculating short- and long-term expenses you may be facing. If the house incorporates galvanized steel pipes utilized in some residential construction in the past, most plumbing professionals and home inspectors will advise removing …

Don’t Let These Things Go Down a Drain

Don’t Let These Things Go Down a Drain

April 20, 2017

Chances are as a homeowner you’ve got a pretty good handle on what should or shouldn’t go down the drains in your home. But maybe you have family members who aren’t so enlightened. If that’s the case, here’s a short primer on drain safety in your home to share with them. What Not to Dispose …

Tankless Water Heaters in Your Home: Pros and Cons

Tankless Water Heaters in Your Home: Pros and Cons

March 23, 2017

If you’re in need of a new water heater in your Orlando home, you will need to decide whether a tankless or traditional model is right for your needs. If you are looking to save money on energy and operating costs and want a reliable system that never runs out of hot water, a tankless …

Some Simple Tips to Help You Conserve Water and Save Money

Some Simple Tips to Help You Conserve Water and Save Money

March 9, 2017

Water conservation is becoming more of a concern for homeowners, both to save a precious natural resource and lower their household operating costs. If you’re looking for effective ways to conserve water and lower your related utility bills by up to 10 percent annually, try these simple tips: