Tags: plumbing leaks | Rinaldis

Ways Copper Pipes Could Sway Your Home Buying Decision

Ways Copper Pipes Could Sway Your Home Buying Decision

July 5, 2017

If you’re considering purchasing a new home, copper pipes could tip the balance. The total cost of a new house necessarily includes calculating short- and long-term expenses you may be facing. If the house incorporates galvanized steel pipes utilized in some residential construction in the past, most plumbing professionals and home inspectors will advise removing …

Detect and Repair Hidden Plumbing Leaks with These Helpful Tips

Detect and Repair Hidden Plumbing Leaks with These Helpful Tips

February 10, 2015

Water leaks can be a dangerous hazard in your home. It can infiltrate dry wall and other building materials, creating an ideal space for mold and mildew growth. Leaks can also drive up your water and energy bills. As such, it’s important to quickly detect and repair hidden plumbing leaks to keep your home safe and

Tips on How to Winterize a Vacant Home in Florida

Tips on How to Winterize a Vacant Home in Florida

January 22, 2015

Winterizing a vacant home in Florida means that you’ll need to verify all critical functions of your home are operating as they should. Besides locking and sealing your home up tightly, consider these other helpful tips to prevent damage while you’re away.