Tags: seal air leak | Rinaldis

How to Find Air Leaks in Your Home’s Envelope and Seal Them

How to Find Air Leaks in Your Home’s Envelope and Seal Them

March 17, 2016

Air leaks give Orlando’s heat and humidity an easy way to sneak into your home and steal your comfort. With some simple, inexpensive steps, you can block the leaks to protect your comfort and control your energy bills.

Is Heat Loss a Problem in Your Home?

Is Heat Loss a Problem in Your Home?

November 19, 2015

Because sunny Orlando can still get chilly on winter nights, improvements that keep your home comfortable during the cold season have a measurable payoff. Minimizing your home’s heat loss is one of the simplest steps you can take toward greater comfort and lower heating bills.

Air-Sealing Your Home: Best Practices

Air-Sealing Your Home: Best Practices

September 22, 2015

So you’ve found air leaks in your home’s envelope. Now what do you do? The next step is air-sealing them to improve energy efficiency. With a few exceptions, it’s fairly easy and straightforward to seal leaks with common materials available on the market.