3 HVAC Resolutions for the New Year

The best resolutions to make are the ones that are easy to keep. In 2019, why not add a few simple HVAC resolutions to your list? Take these three suggestions to benefit your household all year long.
1. Take Better Care of Your Heating and Cooling Systems
The heating and cooling systems in your home are essential for providing proper comfort. When these units are in tip-top shape, they operate more effectively and use less energy. In 2019, make sure you schedule a qualified technician to check out the system and make any necessary repairs or adjustments to keep it running properly. Also, only run the system when it’s necessary and be sure to check the air filter every 1-3 months and replace or clean it as needed.
2. Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality
This should definitely be the year when you make a concentrated effort to improve the quality of your household’s air. Cleaning your floors on a regular basis, whether vacuuming or sweeping, will go a long way to accomplishing this. If your floors require a vacuum cleaner, be sure it’s equipped with a HEPA filter. You should also be using microfiber cloths for dusting, which will collect the dust instead of spreading it around. And you might also want to consider the installation of an air cleaner or even a series of UV lights inside your HVAC system to eliminate contaminants.
3. Lower Your Carbon Footprint
Even a conscientious homeowner can always do more when it comes to lowering their carbon footprint. You don’t have to become a full-on environmentalist, but lowering energy usage will not only benefit the environment, but will also help you save money on your monthly utility bills. Simple things like replacing traditional light bulbs with energy-efficient ones, unplugging devices when they’re not in use, and utilizing fans when it’s warm and blankets when it’s cool are a great start.
To get started meeting these HVAC resolutions, reach out to the friendly professionals at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions. We’ve been serving Orlando and the surrounding area since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).