Proper Attic Insulation Can Help You Save Energy

Do you know if you have enough insulation in the attic in order to save energy and to keep your home comfortable all year long? You should. Additionally, do you know the condition of your existing attic insulation? For example, is your insulation moldy, damp, or wind blown?
When you have the correct amount of quality insulation installed in the right places above your ceiling, you can count on increased comfort, lower energy bills and a lighter load on your HVAC system. Read on to understand the basics of attic insulation, from insulation types to installation methods it, and how to know if you have enough.
How Much Do You Need?
Take a look inside your attic. If you can see the joists sticking up above your insulation, you probably don’t have enough installed. The federal Energy Star program recommends insulation to be rated at least R-30 and as high as R-60 for central Florida homes.
Depending on the quality of your insulation, R-30 is approximately seven to 10 inches thick when using fiberglass or cellulose insulation materials. Double that amount if you want the maximum suggested insulation performance of R-60 in your home.
Types of Insulation
Fiberglass is the most common type of insulation used in American homes. It’s typically less expensive than other types, is fairly simple to install and works well.
Cellulose is another popular option with a few advantages to fiberglass. Cellulose won’t melt like glass fibers in the event of a house fire. It has greater R-value per inch and provides better sound absorption.
Installation Best Practices
Installing fiberglass rolls or loose-fill cellulose isn’t a difficult task for many homeowners. However, it can be very unpleasant when it’s too hot upstairs. Moreover, you should make sure that your attic is properly air sealed to stop leaks and ventilated to help prevent moisture pockets that invite mold. Your best bet is to hire a professional HVAC contractor for lasting comfort and energy savings.
If you have any questions about checking, choosing, or installing attic insulation for your Orlando area home, contact Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions today!
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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