Babysitter 101: HVAC Recommendations to Leave

Whether you’re leaving your home in the care of someone watching the house itself, your child, or a pet, you need to leave behind a few home comfort and energy savings instructions so that your utility costs don’t get out of control. To help you out, here are a few tips that we would suggest you add to your sitter checklist:
Instructions for the Thermostat
If the sitter isn’t familiar with how your thermostat works, then he or she could inadvertently turn the heat or cold up too much, thereby costing you big bucks. Leave behind basic instructions, and try not to be too restrictive in case the temperature of your home becomes uncomfortable.
Provide Fans to Stay Cool
Since it’s summertime, your sitter will probably want to stay cool throughout the day or evening. You can save energy by providing fans that can be used to stay cool. Portable fans can be even better.
Medical Information
While your house won’t succumb to any injuries, per se, something could happen to your children or pets when you leave them behind. If medicine needs to be administered, make sure instructions are left behind. And don’t forget emergency contact numbers!
Set a Schedule
Any tasks that need to be done, including putting your children to bed or administering medicine to the family pet, should be placed on the list. Allow the sitter to be a little flexible, but make sure that he or she knows that stickingly to the schedule will be appreciated.
Don’t Forget Your Contact Information
Although you might be having a night on the town and don’t want to be disturbed, you definitely want to leave your sitter with details on how to reach you. That way, if he or she doesn’t understand part of the directions, you’re just a phone call or text away.
For more expert advice on creating a sitter checklist, or if you have any other questions related to home comfort, please reach out to the professionals at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Orlando and the surrounding area since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).