Ways Copper Pipes Could Sway Your Home Buying Decision

If you’re considering purchasing a new home, copper pipes could tip the balance. The total cost of a new house necessarily includes calculating short- and long-term expenses you may be facing. If the house incorporates galvanized steel pipes utilized in some residential construction in the past, most plumbing professionals and home inspectors will advise removing the existing plumbing and re-piping with copper pipes. Galvanized steel provides poor durability and most of it is now severely deteriorated and leaking or rupturing, causing expensive indoor water damage.
Natural copper has been the superior plumbing option for over 70 years. Today, it’s included in more than 80 percent of residences. Copper’s long-term record for durability and cost-effective quality is unmatched. Buying a house that incorporates copper pipes means it’s unlikely you’ll be facing the expense of re-piping for as long as you own the home. In addition, copper provides these benefits:
- Copper resists internal corrosion and rusting that causes leakage as well as expensive pipe ruptures. In tests, residential grade copper pipe has been proven to resist 1,000 p.s.i. of water pressure. No wonder that copper pipe is the only plumbing material with a 50-year warranty.
- Copper plumbing doesn’t contain toxins like glues or solvents utilized in synthetic pipe materials which could enter your drinking water.
- Copper installation in the structure is straightforward and simple because the material is light, rigid and requires few support brackets. If future modifications or additions are called for, new spans can be readily added and assembled with lead-free solder.
- Copper piping enhances your home’s value and provides an attractive sales point if you decide to put your house on the market.
- In the future, copper plumbing can be recycled when the home is dismantled.
For more about how copper pipes can influence your home-buying decision, contact the professionals at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.
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