5 Amazing Advantages of Building a Custom Home
Apr 7, 2015

If you’re looking to buy a new home, that means spending days driving all over town with a realtor trying to find something you like. But there is another option. Why not build a new home to accommodate your specific wants and needs? Here are five advantages of building a custom home.
- Flexibility. What do you want from your new home? Does it need to be wheelchair accessible? Does it need a soundproof room for Junior to practice drums? With a custom home, there’s no need to bend over backwards looking for a house that meets these specific criteria or perform numerous extra renovations once you’ve bought it. You can have it built exactly the way you want, so when it’s finished, it’s fully ready to move into.
- Energy savings. When building a custom home, you can design it to be energy efficient and keep energy bills down, and be more environmentally friendly. Place windows where they’ll be most effective in heating and cooling your home naturally. Install faucets that will help you save water, and maybe consider a tankless water heater. You can even include solar panels. Do some research and find energy-saving options that work for you.
- Maintenance. With a custom home, everything is brand new, so you don’t need a lot of expensive maintenance, upkeep and repairs to make sure everything keeps working the way it’s supposed to.
- Resale value. In areas where new homes are being built, there’s often a homeowner’s association. This can have many benefits, among them setting standards for curb appeal for the entire neighborhood, which helps to keep home values higher.
- Uniqueness. There is no other home in the neighborhood, or possibly the world, like the one you can have built. It will suit your personality like no other set of bricks and mortar ever could. You don’t have to go searching for it. You can have it specially made to be the house you’ve always wanted.
For more advice on building a custom home, contact us at Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about building a custom home and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “VooDoo13/Shutterstock”