Make Your Gas Furnace More Economical With These Simple Tips

The efficiency of your gas furnace relies heavily on regular professional tune-up, as well as basic owner upkeep. While most units have an expected service life of close to 20 years, the status of an older furnace can vary according to how faithfully a manufacturer’s recommended operating procedures and preventive maintenance techniques are observed. To maintain optimum energy efficiency and heating performance, follow these simple tips:
Change the Filter
You can change your air filter yourself at least once a month during the heating season. The proper volume of clean airflow in your system affects not only operating costs, but also heating effectiveness, consistency and system longevity.
Tackle Simple Upkeep
Beyond filter changes, you should inspect your burner flame from time to time — it should be steady and blue in appearance. If it looks yellow, contact your HVAC contractor. Then, shut down your furnace and vacuum dust out of the combustion area and the furnace cabinet. If you note evidence of overheating, such as singed components or cabinet discoloration, call for professional help right away.
Automate Thermostat Settings
Install a programmable thermostat if you don’t already have one. Your household warmth will be more consistent and your operating costs may be as much as 20 percent lower than with a manual thermostat. When programming, remember that you can save between 1 to 3 percent on heating costs for every degree you set lower.
Improve Home Efficiency
You can promote economical heating and cut system wear and tear by reducing home heat loss. Make sure to seal air leaks with caulking and renew worn weatherstripping around windows and doors. You should also update attic insulation to meet current standards.
Schedule Annual Tune-Ups
Most critical furnace maintenance items must be handled by a qualified HVAC technician. A yearly tune-up should be on your calendar to ensure optimum performance, efficiency and safety.
In Orlando, ask the pros at Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning Service about professional gas furnace service and repair.
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