Put Your IRS Check Into A Heat Pump, And You’ll See A Long-Term Return On The Investment

If you are getting a, IRS tax refund check this year and are considering investing that money in a new HVAC system, one of the best ways to maximize your investment is to buy a new heat pump.
Heat pumps are systems that both cool and heat your home. They work very efficiently, especially in heating mode. Unlike a furnace, which burns fuel to create combustion in order to heat your home, a heat pump simply transfers heat from one place to another. It puts out a lower amount of air at a time than a furnace, making for a gentler heat that isn’t constantly cycling on and off like most furnaces do. The end result is a much more efficient unit that can actually produce more energy than it consumes, saving you a significant amount on your utility bills.
How can you be sure you are going to save money with a heat pump? One thing to look at is the energy-efficiency rating. Since heat pumps have both a cooling and a heating mode, they have two different efficiency ratings. The HSPF (heating seasonal performance factor) rating measures how efficient the unit is in heating mode. The SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating measures efficiency in the cooling mode. A higher rating means greater efficiency.
In addition to getting a heat pump with a high efficiency rating, you also need to make sure you select an appropriately sized unit. Determining size requires calculating your square footage, the layout of your house, and other factors like insulation and shade. Because of this, it is usually best to contact an HVAC professional to determine the size of heat pump that you need. Getting either a too large or too small unit can reduce efficiency and therefore the savings you should be seeing.
For more information on heat pumps or other HVAC issues, contact us at Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning. We’re proud to have served Orlando-area homeowners since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about heat pumps and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Rinaldi’s services Orlando, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!