Tips for Managing Your Home Heating Load

Many homeowners assume that their house is a static factor that’s going to cost a certain amount of money to heat or cool, and the only way to lower that cost is to turn the thermostat down in the winter, up in the summer. But that’s not the case at all. You can take a number of other steps to reduce the amount of heat required to keep your home comfortable – a calculation known in the HVAC industry as the home heating load.
HVAC contractors typically will calculate the heating load before recommending a certain capacity heating system for a home. Getting the size correct is essential for any central HVAC system to achieve optimum performance and energy efficiency. Reducing the home heating load also will lower monthly energy bills and place less stress on the equipment, allowing it to last longer with fewer breakdowns.
Weatherization is the prime method of reducing a home’s heating (and cooling) load. This means finding air leaks in the home’s outer envelope and sealing them with caulk, weatherstripping or spray foam, depending on the size and location of the opening. Upgrading insulation is another aspect of home weatherization that will reduce the heating load.
Investing in energy-efficient windows and doors also will lower the amount of heat that’s needed to keep your home warm.
If you’re truly serious about saving energy, commission a professional energy audit that will determine exactly where air and/or heat energy are transferring between the inside and outside of your home. It should include ductwork in the analysis, since ample energy can be wasted if ducts are leaking or defective. With that information in hand, you can proceed to take the aforementioned steps to reduce energy waste.
The good thing about taking steps to lower the home heating load is that nearly all of these strategies will make it easier to cool your home in the summer – a huge benefit here in Florida with our long, hot summers.
To discuss how to lower the heating load in your Orlando area home, please contact us at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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