Home Scents: Using Essential Oils in Your Air Filter

As a homeowner, you probably have to contend with stale air and odors when you’re running the HVAC and your home is closed up tight. You could use air fresheners, but those can result in a chemical smell. Alternatively, you could burn candles, but then there’s the risk of a fire. If you’re looking for a way to give your home a pleasant scent without using chemical-filled air freshener sprays or burning candles, using essential oils in your air filter is the answer.
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are oils made up of compounds that are extracted from plants. Each essential oil captures the scent of and flavor, or “essence,” of each plant. Essential oils are characteristic of the unique aromas of the plants they’re made from. They can be made either through distillation (via either water or steam) or by a mechanical method such as cold pressing the plant.
Essential oils are a safer, more natural alternative to freshly scent your indoor air and avoid the hazardous chemicals released by sprays and candles. The aromatic natural compounds they contain are sourced from plant bark, seeds, leaves, and stems. Along with giving your home a wonderful scent, many oils come with beneficial properties.
Lavender Oil
Lavender has many health benefits. It’s calming, can reduce stress, improve balance, and can even be used as a natural bug repellent. It’s deodorizing and can be used as a cleaner.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil can be used as a natural bug repellent and hand sanitizer. It can also be a deodorant and an antiseptic as well as an all-purpose cleaner.
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus is best known for being the preferred food of koalas. Its oil, however, can act as a natural mosquito repellent as well as a household cleaner. Eucalyptus oil sprayed in areas that commonly see rodents can help keep them away. Plus, it can help prevent the growth of bacteria in your home.
Cypress Oil
Cypress oil both anti-bacterial and antimicrobial, so using it can help to prevent the growth of bacteria in your home.
Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil has a variety of health benefits, including easing pain, improving the function of the brain, reducing joint inflammation, reducing stress, and increasing circulation. It can also help to repel insects.
Lemon Oil
Lemon oil can help reduce the effects of anxiety and depression, ease pain, heal wounds, treat acne, and even reduce the symptoms of colds. Plus, it is also a great natural cleaner.
Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon oil is used as a relaxant in aromatherapy. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help prevent bacterial and fungal growths.
Thyme Oil
Thyme oil has both antifungal and antibacterial properties. It can therefore be used to help prevent the growth of mold and bacteria in your house. It also has anti-inflammatory effects.
Sage Oil
Sage oil is antimicrobial and can prevent the spread of viruses such as salmonella, E. coli, and even staph infections. It can also help prevent the growth of mold. In people, sage oil can act as an anti-inflammatory and even help protect against the progression of dementia.
Sandalwood Oil
Sandalwood oil can be used to fight against bacteria and help prevent the spread of viruses. It can also increase your alertness, help to fight anxiety, help heal wounds, and even help to prevent skin cancer.
Oregano Oil
Oregano isn’t just a seasoning. As an oil, oregano can have antibiotic properties that can help to fight bacteria. Oregano oil may actually be effective against some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Additionally, oregano oil may help lower cholesterol and act as an antioxidant.
Bergamot Oil
Bergamot is a citrus fruit that is used to make Earl Grey tea. In oil form, it also has antibiotic properties that can reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, reduce stress, and even lower cholesterol.
Clove Oil
Clove oil can help to relieve respiratory ailments such as coughs and even asthma. It also has antibiotic and antimicrobial properties to help fight against and kill bacteria. Plus, it can also help to relieve pain, from toothaches to muscle aches, and even help with digestive ailments.
How Do I Use Essential Oils in My Air Filter?
Putting an essential oil on your air filter is easy. Follow these steps:
- Take a fresh air filter that’s the right size and MERV rating to match your HVAC system. If you’re not sure which filter to use, check your equipment manual, or ask for advice from your HVAC pro.
- Select one essential oil to use, or create your own combination for a unique scent with additional beneficial properties.
- With an eyedropper, put 15 to 20 drops of oil evenly over the filter surface, then install it in your HVAC unit. With the scented filter in place, a soothing fragrance will be sent out with your conditioned air each time the blower cycles on.
- The scent will diminish in about 30 days, which is also the ideal time to check your air filter. You can add more oil if the filter is still clean, or scent a new filter if the old one needs replacement.
To learn more about using essential oils and other effective ways to improve your indoor air quality, contact us at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.