How A Variable-Speed Blower Motor Can Extend The Life Of Your Furnace

When a motor has to operate at full throttle, it has to work harder and is more likely to die sooner. Unfortunately, for a long time, the only option for a furnace motor was a single-stage blower motor. This meant that the motor was either on or it was off and, once installed, there was no way to adjust the motor’s speed. Today, another option exists that allows for the blower motor to operate at different speeds depending on the need. Called a variable-speed blower motor, this new option can save energy, allow your furnace to operate more quietly, and allow your furnace to last longer.
How A Variable-Speed Blower Motor Works
A variable-speed motor allows your furnace’s blower to operate at less-than-full capacity under certain conditions. For instance:
- With a two-stage furnace, the blower-motor initially comes at around two-thirds of full strength. The blower-motor will operate at this reduced intensity for several minutes and will only kick into full gear if it is unable to hear your home up sufficiently within a set period of time.
- With a two-stage variable furnace, it is also possible to continually run the blower-motor at low speeds, rather than to have the furnace kick on and off. This is necessary if you wish to run add-ons such as air filters that require air to be circulating in order to work.
Because it is generally better for a motor to run at a lower speed for a longer time or on an ongoing basis than to kick on and off at full speed, both of these scenarios are generally considered preferable to having a single-stage burner that kicks on and off again and again at full throttle.
Extending The Life Of Your Furnace
Since the variable speed motor means that your furnace doesn’t have to work as hard, the furnace is not likely to wear out as quickly. A furnace is a major investment and choosing options such as a variable-speed blower motor will allow your investment to last longer.
For more information on a variable-speed blower motor, contact us at Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning.
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