How an HVAC Maintenance Contract Can Benefit You

Your HVAC system contains some of the most costly and vital equipment in your home, and routine care is needed to keep it in optimal working condition. If you tend to forget or put off scheduling professional HVAC service, a maintenance contract can be beneficial. Not only do maintenance contracts provide you with convenient reminders about vital semi-annual inspections and tuneups, they have a positive impact on your HVAC system in a number of ways, including:
- Efficiency — Many homeowners don’t realize that neglecting preventive HVAC care can reduce the equipment’s energy efficiency by as much as five percent a year, which results in steadily rising operating costs. With the spring cooling system checkups and a fall heating system tuneups included with a maintenance agreement, that slow loss of efficiency is halted or even reversed, so energy consumption and costs drop.
- Repairs — During the through inspection that takes place during a regularly-scheduled maintenance visit, your technician has an opportunity to identify and make you aware of any emerging issues. This allows you to get them fixed promptly, before they can develop into a serious problem that requires an expensive repair.
- Reliability — When your HVAC equipment is cleaned and tuned up on a regular basis, and any minor problems get corrected, there’s less chance of a breakdown or failure in the midst of the heating or cooling seasons when it’s under more strain. Since it’s working reliably, you can avoid the stress, inconvenience and cost of sudden mid-season breakdowns and repairs.
- Lifespan — Your HVAC system components are just like any other mechanical equipment in that timely preventive care and maintenance not only boosts their reliability, it can help them last longer. With routine service, you can expect your heating and cooling components to reach or even surpass the average expected equipment lifespan.
- Warranty — If a warrantied component fails and you need to make a claim, having a maintenance agreement in place ensures that you’ll meet the manufacturer’s requirements for professional maintenance.
To learn more about the benefits offered by maintenance contracts, contact the Orlando-area home comfort pros at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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