Having an HVAC Maintenance Plan Can Save You Time and Money Down the Road

As a resident of Orlando, you probably use your air conditioning system more days than you don’t throughout the year. Investing in an HVAC maintenance plan is a great way to ensure that your system stays in optimal working order without having to spend an arm and a leg.
In fact, there are many benefits you can expect to take advantage of with a good maintenance plan, which you simply wouldn’t get with an extended warranty or other type of HVAC service. Here are three of the most important:
Lower Utility Bills
Regular HVAC maintenance appointments that come as part of your plan will reduce your energy costs because your system will have minimal wear and tear throughout the years.
Priority Service
With the right HVAC maintenance plan, you will be put on a priority list when you have a problem with your air conditioning system. You will probably even be able to get same day service no matter what time of year it is.
Discounts on Labor and Parts
You can typically get discounts on any work that is needed that isn’t included in the scope of your HVAC maintenance plan. This can come in handy when there is a need to replace major parts or the work will take a day or more to complete.
A yearly maintenance plan for your HVAC system is a convenient, affordable way to protect your investment compared to other traditional options, such as extended warranties.
For more information about maintenance plans or to get expert advice about a plan that might be right for your A/C system, contact us at Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning Service. We happily serve the entire Orlando area.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC maintenance plan and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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