Ways to Cash in on HVAC Savings and Rebates

Choosing an HVAC system is a serious investment. You want your new heat pump to be as efficient as possible for long-term savings, but you also want to save money on upfront costs. For Central Florida homeowners, that’s no problem!
Just keep reading to learn the opportunities available to cash in on HVAC rebates, tax credits, financing programs and all-around great incentives!
Utility Company Rebates
One of the first places you want to check out for HVAC upgrade incentives is with your utility company.
- Heat pumps: A new high-efficiency 24 SEER heat pump could easily save you 30 percent cooling and heating costs compared to conventional 12 SEER model. Also, you may be eligible to receive up to $1,630 of rebates right off the top. Qualifying homeowners may be eligible for 12-month interest free financing to help with the remaining installation costs.
- Duct repairs: Air ducts are an essential team player in your HVAC system. They may also earn you $150 rebate for qualifying duct repairs.
Go Solar with Bright Savings!
Who in the Sunshine State wants free energy from the sun? Everyone! The following rebates, financing programs and Federal tax credits make it a lot easier on your pocketbook to go solar this year:
- Federal tax credit: Take a Federal 30-percent tax credit toward your tax liability when you install a PV or SWH system. The 30-percent credit goes to all labor and materials at your primary residence.
- Utility rebate: The Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) offers a $900 point-of-sale rebate for qualifying residential electric customers for installing eligible solar systems.
- Financing: Solar water heating (SWH) and whole-home photovoltaic (PV) systems power your water heater and HVAC systems by harnessing the sun’s energy. If free energy weren’t enough, OUC and the Orlando Federal Credit Union have teamed up to provide solar loans up to $7,500 for SWH and $20,000 for PV with low fixed interest rates and payments.
With so many HVAC rebates available, why delay? Contact Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions for a free home energy audit to see how much money you can save in upfront costs and lifetime costs.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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