These are the Answers to Your Top HVAC System FAQs

You put a lot of faith in your HVAC system to keep you comfortable in all kinds of weather. The more you know about it, the better you’ll be able to use it and keep it running properly. The following answers to common HVAC system FAQs can help you understand your heating and cooling systems a little better.
- How long can I expect my HVAC system to last? Today’s HVAC equipment is designed to last for several years. You can commonly expect a furnace, air conditioner, or heat pump to last for ten to fifteen years. Well-maintained systems may last even longer than that.
- Are name brands the best choice? As in many areas of consumer goods, name brand products have the benefit of being from a well-known company with a reputation to uphold. It is likely that a name-brand HVAC system will have a better warranty and that the company will be around to honor it throughout the warranty’s term. Name-brand HVAC equipment will also be generally be of higher quality.
- Do high-efficiency systems really save money? High-efficiency heating and cooling systems have been repeatedly proven to slash monthly energy bills by a substantial percentage. Savings can be so significant that you can recoup the cost of the high-efficiency system in monthly savings alone by about halfway through the equipment’s expected lifespan.
- What is HVAC system size, and why is it important? HVAC system size refers to its capacity to generate heating or cooling, not its actual physical dimensions. You will need an HVAC system that can produce the level of indoor comfort you need without wasting energy and money. Have your HVAC pro do a load calculation to determine how much heating or cooling you need, then use that information to find the correctly sized HVAC equipment for your home.
Customers in the central Florida communities of Orlando and the surrounding cities can rely on Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning for expert HVAC sales, installation, and service. Contact us today for more information on your HVAC system and for the repair and maintenance you need, when you need it.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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