In The Market For A Water Heater? Add A Solar Option To Your List

As energy prices continue to increase, you may be looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home. One way that has been proven to reduce the energy usage of a home is the addition of a solar water heater. By installing a solar water-heating unit in your home, you can increase its value and be provided with hot water for just a fraction of the price that traditional options normally cost to run.
While solar water heaters do cost a bit more than normal water-heating methods, their low energy usage allows them to pay for themselves within four years. Of course, the efficiency of your solar water heating unit relies on how much sun you receive throughout the year. Because Orlando receives year-round sunlight, solar water heating is an excellent option for homeowners in the area. Homes in areas that receive sunlight year round can reduce their water heating costs by up to 90 percent. In addition to these great savings, the government even offers a 30% tax credit for the installation of qualified solar water heaters. This will help reduce the upfront cost significantly and get you saving even more money.
Solar water heating units are beneficial in many ways. Not only can they save you a ton of money on your monthly utility bills, but they are also very beneficial to the environment. Every bit of energy you save through the use of a solar water heater results in a reduction of carbon emissions into the environment. Because solar water heating units rely on energy from the sun, they are a great way to lower your carbon footprint.
Selecting the right solar water heating unit for your home is not an easy task. There are many different options to choose from and it can be confusing knowing which one is right for your home. The professionals at Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning are well-trained to help you in choosing the correct solar water heater for your home.
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