Indoor Air Quality and Christmas Trees

There’s something about a fresh Christmas tree that evokes the holiday spirit. However, if you suffer from allergies the moment the tree enters the home, you might want to find another centerpiece for your holiday celebration.
Here’s how you can improve your indoor air quality this holiday season.
Christmas Trees and Mold
The main allergen affecting people in their homes on Christmas trees isn’t pollen, but mold. Connecticut researchers have revealed that the mold spore count from a live Christmas tree can rise to five times the normal level within 14 days of bringing the tree indoors. It seems the mold flourishes when the Christmas trees are packed closely together in the trailers for delivery.
Normal mold spore count for homes is less than 1000 per square meter. Within two weeks of bringing the Christmas tree home, the mold spore count typically soars to 5000 psm. The researchers say that the high levels of mold spores have been correlated with an increase in asthma symptoms and allergic rhinitis. People who experience these problems may well look to the Christmas tree as the source of their discomfort.
Christmas Tree Alternatives
If you suffer from these discomforts, you may not want to keep the live tree in your home more than a week. A better option may be to buy an artificial tree, or create some kind of graphic tree with an enlarged print or fancy chalkboard drawing.
For more about improving your indoor air quality during the hectic holiday season, contact Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions of Orlando. Call (407) 204-9143 to schedule HVAC maintenance, repairs and installations.
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