The Right Programmable Thermostat Setting Will Lead To Savings

Temperatures in the Orlando area fluctuate from an average of 72 degrees in the summer to 62 degrees in the winter. Some people set their thermostat to 70 degrees and leave it there year-round, because it’s too much trouble to remember to adjust it up and down, as needed. If that sounds like you, you could save on your annual heating and cooling costs by installing a programmable thermostat and setting a schedule for your thermostat and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system to work together to make money-saving temperature adjustments for you.
What are the right programmable thermostat settings for you?
For most active households, family members are either sleeping or out of the house approximately 16 hours a day, so you could program your thermostat during those times to be between 8 and 10 degrees cooler in the winter (or warmer in summer). According to the EPA, it does not take as much energy to bring your home’s temperature back to your comfort level as it does to keep it at a constant temperature.
Set it, and forget it
Programmable thermostat settings can be as flexible and as individual as you. Your weekend might be Tuesday and Thursday. You may work 10 to 12 hour shifts. Perhaps you are retired or work from home. Adjust the temperature during times when you’re not around, and you will be saving money while using less energy. If you find yourself at home and needing the extra comfort level, it is simple to temporarily override the set schedule. Don’t forget to set your thermostat to hold at a cost-effective temperature when you are away for extended periods, such as a business trip or vacation.
For more information on programmable thermostats and other energy-saving tools, contact our specialists at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions. We’ve been helping our neighbors in the Orlando area since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about programmable thermostats and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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