Still Don’t Have a Programmable Thermostat? Time for an Upgrade

Most homeowners have heard of programmable thermostats, but many people do not understand what makes them different from older models, or why they might want to install one. There are many benefits to be gained from investing in a programmable thermostat upgrade for your home. The two biggest reasons for choosing a programmable thermostat are convenience and energy efficiency.
Programmable thermostats are considered more efficient because they can turn the furnace or A/C off when it is not in use, and because they can keep your HVAC system from rapid-cycling to keep your home at an exact consistent temperature when the thermostat is programmed. After the initial set-up, a programmable thermostat will adjust your HVAC system to follow your schedule. This means that your utility bills will decrease, since the system will not be running unnecessarily while you sleep or while you are away from the house.
The automation of a programmable thermostat is not just more efficient, though; it can also make any homeowner’s life much easier. After programming the thermostat, you can rely on it to keep the house comfortable. The programmable thermostat will turn the heat down at night but, unlike with a standard thermostat, you will not have to hop out of bed first thing in the morning to turn the heat up and wait for the house to get warm. The thermostat can keep track of when you get up or return home during the week and on weekends, and will make sure the house is comfortable when you need it to be.
In addition to these features, many newer models of programmable thermostats also come equipped with WiFi capability, which could allow a homeowner to control the thermostat remotely using a computer or smartphone, or to sync the HVAC system with a security system or smart-house set-up. Some programmable thermostats are even able to learn your schedule, eliminating the need for initial programming altogether and achieving even more accuracy in fitting your schedule.
For more expert advice on getting a programmable thermostat upgrade in your Orlando area home, contact Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions today.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about programmable thermostats and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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