Questions to Consider When Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace

If you have a heating or cooling system that has been giving you trouble, you may be wondering whether it’s a better idea to repair or replace it. Here are some questions to consider when evaluating your options and deciding if you should repair or replace your HVAC equipment.
- How old is the system? Age will certainly play a role in whether or not a heating system should be replaced. However, it should not be the only factor you consider. In general, heat pumps and air conditioners can be expected to last 10 years or longer, while furnaces usually last 15 years or more. If your older HVAC system is still working properly, it will mostly likely last a few more seasons.
- What condition is it in? An HVAC system that has been given regular preventive maintenance and is in good condition is a good candidate for repair instead of replacement. If the system has been neglected or is in poor repair, or if it has been damaged, your better option is probably replacement.
- Is it still working efficiently and effectively? A sudden sharp increase in your monthly heating or cooling bills could indicate that your HVAC system is losing efficiency. Uneven heating or cooling, increased amounts of dust or other particulates in the air, and increasingly frequent malfunctions or breakdowns can be a sign that the equipment isn’t working correctly. Consider replacing the equipment with a newer high-efficiency system and you’ll see improved comfort and reduced energy bills.
- Have I spent as much as I should on repairs? Add up the amount of money you’ve spent so far on repairing the system. If the total is half or more of the cost of a new system, you should stop spending money on repairs and instead invest in new HVAC equipment.
Need professional HVAC service in Orlando or the nearby Florida communities? Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning can help you with the sales, maintenance, and repair you need. Contact us today for more information on how to make the repair or replace decision for your HVAC system.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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