How to Understand Energy Star Guidelines

Wouldn’t it be great if the federal government had a program that advised consumers on what appliances and other energy-using products had surpassed minimum energy-efficiency standards without sacrificing performance? It just so happens that such a program has been operating in the U.S. for nearly 25 years. Run by the U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency, the Energy Star program awards the distinctive blue-star logo to a variety of appliances and systems that meet the program’s criteria.
The program benefits consumers directly but also serves a bigger purpose, reducing pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
Products eligible for Energy Star certification include the following short list, though it barely scratches the surface: Heat pumps, A/Cs and furnaces; water heaters, clothes-washers and dryers, freezers and refrigerators; TVs, computer monitors and other electronics; residential windows, doors and insulation; ceiling fans, light bulbs and light fixtures; and much more.
In order to qualify for the federal government’s Energy Star, a product must pass the following requirements:
- Provide meaningful energy savings nationwide.
- Provide both performance and features expected of other products of that type.
- Offer sufficient energy savings to compensate for any extra cost charged for the product, and do so in a reasonable period of time.
- Use non-proprietary technology that’s manufactured by more than one company.
- Offer a way for a particular product’s energy consumption and savings to be measured and verified. Without a way to confirm these facts, the program wouldn’t have the credibility that it enjoys.
When it comes to residential heating and cooling systems, the Energy Star program is especially valuable, since the more substantial the product, the more savings will result from energy-efficient operation.
To discuss the right Energy Star-qualified HVAC system for your Orlando-area home, please contact us at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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