Using the Whole HVAC System to Save Energy in Your Home

Keeping a lid on high energy bills can be difficult, but far from impossible. Being mindful of how you use energy-efficient lighting, electronics, and appliances boosts energy savings. Further, you probably don’t leave your air conditioner blasting when you’re not home. However, there are more ways your whole HVAC system can save energy in your Orlando home. Here’s how!
Thermostat Settings
If you find that you or others in your home are often adjusting the thermostat temperature, you aren’t using this device most effectively or efficiently. The recommended temperature settings for a balance between energy savings and comfort are 68 degrees in heat mode and 78 degrees in cool mode, as outlined by the Energy Star program.
No matter your comfortable temperature settings may be, a programmable or WiFi thermostat can help you maximize energy savings.
Clean Air Filter
Regular air filter changes saves energy by reducing the energy required to pull airflow through the return ducts. Make sure you check the filter each month, and change it as suggested by the manufacturer.
Balanced Airflow
Balanced airflow through your home is essential for maintaining efficient cooling, heating, and comfortable temperatures. Walk through your home room to room being mindful of anything that blocks free airflow from the vents to the return grilles. Even a closed door burdens your HVAC system, and makes it use more energy.
Professional Maintenance
Your cooling and heating units should be professionally serviced in the spring and fall. Even if you use a heat pump to cool and heat your home, it should be serviced twice a year. Your A/C or heat pump relies on many parts to work fluidly together to deliver maximum efficiency.
When one part isn’t working as it should, such as a dirty coil, clogged condensate drain, or leaky air ducts, your entire HVAC system suffers, as does your pocketbook in higher energy bills and inevitable repair problems.
Why put up with high energy bills and uncomfortable rooms in your Orlando home when all you need to do is contact Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions for more information about HVAC energy savings and service!
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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