Minimizing Your Risk Of Water Damage When The A/C’s Going All The Time

Indoor water damage from air conditioners is a real concern for Orlando residents because it can go undetected, harming anything where the water collects. Extra moisture in your home also fosters the growth of mold, which has serious health consequences for both you and your home. You can safeguard your home from problems associated with inadequate drainage from your air conditioner through annual maintenance and products designed to shut your air conditioner off when water problems occur.
Have your air conditioner serviced each spring. As part of the inspection, HVAC contractors check the drainpipe that takes away the condensation that occurs when the system runs frequently. Pipes can clog when algae builds up, insects or small animals crawl into the pipe, or vegetation blocks the drainage. If the technician finds an algae buildup, he’ll remove it. It’s a good idea to ask for an algae treatment to prevent blockages during the cooling season.
If you’re away from home a lot, consider asking the HVAC technician to install a safety float switch in the air handler. This switch senses when too much water collects, and shuts the air conditioner off automatically. It won’t come back on until the water evaporates.
Other problems associated with inadequate drainage may be associated with the installation of the drainpipe, the evaporator coil or the drain pan. If you have had frequent problems with water accumulating from the air conditioner, tell the technician. He can adjust the parts to fix the issues.
Besides preventing water damage, keeping the air handler’s filter clean can lower your risk of water accumulating in the drain pan. A dirty filter slows the passage of air through the air handler and can cause frost to form over the evaporator coil. When the frost melts, it may flood the drain pan, creating water damage. Besides damaging your home, the frost also causes your air conditioner to run continually, driving up your electric bill.
If you want to avoid water damage this summer, contact Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning. We have provided HVAC services for the Orlando area for 42 years.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about preventing water damage and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Rinaldi’s services Orlando, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!