What to Consider Before Relocating Your HVAC System
Sep 30, 2021

Whether your HVAC system is located inside or outside of your home, moving it isn’t easy or cheap. It can be a challenge to disconnect and reconnect all of the wiring, ducts, and lines going into and out of your HVAC system. For that reason, you should wait to fully consider the implications of moving your HVAC system before you take any steps to do so.
Reasons to Relocate Your HVAC System
You may want to move your HVAC system if:
- It’s creating a landscaping challenge
- It’s prone to flooding
- It’s too noisy
- It’s within street view or unsightly
- It’s an easy target for thieves
- It’s difficult to access or in an inconvenient location
- It’s on the property line after rezoning
- It’s affecting an addition or remodel
- You’re upgrading your HVAC system
- Municipal building codes have changed
- The land around it is eroding
Outdoor HVAC Unit Relocation Considerations
Moving your HVAC unit yourself can be a big job that takes up a lot of time and energy. Before you start the process of relocating your outdoor HVAC unit, you should be aware of the following:
The unit can’t be located more than a few feet away from your home. This means you’re already starting off with a limited amount of space to work with. You should also be aware that the refrigerant line cannot be stretched or bent. This will require you to consider the desired location and how it affects the refrigerant line.
Wiring and Piping Configuration
When moving the location of your HVAC you’ll need to keep in mind that any existing copper lines will need to be replaced and the replacements will need to be welded and spliced to properly match the line set. From there the copper line sets will need to be insulated and the entire line set will need to be covered.
You’ll also need to run new thermostat wiring after changing the HVAC’s location.
Proper Leveling
When you move the HVAC system, you’ll also have to move the pad beneath it and re-level the entire system. The compressor likely won’t work if the system is at a slope so proper leveling is essential.
Indoor HVAC Unit Relocation Considerations
While some of your HVAC unit is outdoors, there are some parts that are inside, including a furnace, thermostat, and more. If you need to move these for any reason, there are also considerations you should take into account before beginning any relocation.
To start, before moving, you’ll need to prepare the new location. After moving the HVAC system, you’ll need to clean up the old location.
All components connecting the indoor and outdoor HVAC will need to be moved. The outdoor HVAC will need to be on the other side of the wall from the indoor HVAC. If they aren’t near one another, the outdoor HVAC may need to be moved as well.
During the moving process, air intakes, gas lines, electrical wires, water pipes, and ducts will need to be disconnected. New ones will need to be run after moving the system.
Prior to Moving the HVAC Unit
Before you move the HVAC system, you must have refrigerant pumped out of the system.
After Moving the HVAC Unit
After you reconnect the system, you’ll have to pump refrigerant back into the system. You’ll also need to vacuum initiate the system to keep out moisture and air. From there, you’ll need to test the system for leaks before finally restarting the HVAC system entirely.
Can You Move Your HVAC System Yourself or Should You Hire a Professional?
Moving any part of an HVAC system, whether indoor or outdoor, is a major job. If you’re not a professional contractor yourself, it may be too difficult to attempt on your own. While moving an HVAC unit can be expensive, depending on the extent of the work required and how far you’re wanting to move it, it can be less expensive overall to hire a professional to do it right the first time. Attempting it yourself can end up costing you more in both time and money if a professional later needs to come in to fix any problems that occurred. Plus, a professional can get the job done much faster.
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