How to Add Window Film and Increase Energy Efficiency

Learning how to add window film is something all homeowners should consider doing, as film can stop thermal transfer from glass. Window film works effectively all year-round to improve energy efficiency, without having to commit to the financial investment new thermal windows require.
Energy Star and thermal-rated windows have a clear, low emissivity coating that blocks heat from moving through the glass. Single-pane and some dual-pane windows that don’t have a low-e coating have virtually no resistance to energy transfer.
During the winter, heat from the glass exits quickly, while during the summer, the glass contributes to substantial heat gain indoors. Almost all low-e window films prevent UV light from filtering in your home, which can help stop sun damage.
Window films come in a variety of tints that reflect light outwards, making it nearly impossible to see through the film during the day. They’re not only a cost-efficient material to use for improving energy efficiency, but they also assure daytime privacy.
After measuring your windows and the available film sizes, estimate how many rolls you’ll need. Add enough to cover any waste you may incur as you learn to handle the film. In most cases, you’ll need a liquid solution for wetting the window, as well as a plastic scraper, like a squeegee, to smooth the film on the glass.
Unless your windows are small, it’s almost always a two-person job. While one person places the film on the window, the other can straighten wrinkles and remove any air bubbles that appear. Once the film is smooth, cut it at the edge of the glass, so the film sits as close to the sash as possible.
To learn more about how to add window film and achieve better energy efficiency, contact Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning Service. We’ve been providing outstanding HVAC services for Orlando area homeowners since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about window film and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “twobee/Shutterstock”