Would Your Home Benefit From A Whole House Air Cleaner?

If you live in an area that experiences extreme weather conditions, a whole-house indoor air cleaner might be the perfect option for your home. In parts of the country, bad weather disables your ability to open doors and windows to ventilate your home. In some cases, opening doors and windows may allow allergens and other pollution into your home. Under these circumstances, electronic air cleaners are probably your best option.
Before selecting an air cleaner, you should take time to gain the knowledge needed to pick the best option available. The best way to determine the effectiveness of an air-cleaning system is by its MERV rating. The MERV rating was designed to let consumers know how well a filter can trap airborne particles. The MERV scale ranges from 1 to 16. The higher the rating, the more effective the filter. A filter with a MERV rating of 11 or higher is considered a good choice.
Every electronic air cleaner needs to be able to remove mold, pollen, dust, dust mites and bacteria from the air in your home. The top electronic air cleaners will also remove gases, cigarette smoke, chemical fumes and bad odors.
Air-purification systems tend to start out in the low $200 range. Depending on your budget, it could be a good idea to use more than one portable air cleaner or even consider a whole-house air-purification system.
An additional factor that needs to be considered before purchasing an air-purification system is how much electricity each unit consumes. The best electronic air cleaners don’t use large amounts of energy. Also, make sure you look in to the unit you are considering buying to determine whether it creates a noise problem. Certain air cleaners can get pretty loud, and if you are thinking of using it in your bedroom while you sleep, you may want a quieter device.
Electronic air cleaners provide a great way to increase the quality of air in your home. The experts at Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning are more than happy to help you in selecting the best air-purification system for your home. Contact us today for further assistance.
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