HVAC Systems and Yard Work

Yard work is an important task for keeping your home and property well maintained and beautiful. With plenty of sunshine, moisture and warmer weather, it’s also a year-round chore for many in Central Florida. Whether you work in your yard yourself or hire a landscaping service, it’s important to work safely around your HVAC system to protect equipment.
Here’s what to know:
Outdoor HVAC Systems
The outdoor half of your HVAC system is basically a large metal box that usually sits on a concrete pad next to your home. When you are near the unit when it is running, you’ll hear the powerful blower and compressor humming along.
Just because the HVAC unit is installed outside, don’t assume that it can’t be affected by the elements or by people. The HVAC components most vulnerable to damage are the blower blades, refrigerant line and the thin metal fins in front of the condenser.
- Blower: A large blower pulls are into the side of the outdoor unit, and pushes air out the top. Debris that falls into the blower assembly can cause damage to the blades and motor, and it often makes a lot of noise. Prune your trees each year to remove weak and dead branches. Wind-driven storms can easily break limbs and turn them into dangerous projectiles that can damage HVAC equipment and your home.
- Refrigerant line: A refrigerant line runs from the indoor air handler, through your home’s exterior wall to the outdoor HVAC unit. The refrigerant line should be wrapped with a foam sleeve to help insulate and protect it. Be careful not to damage the refrigerant line when cutting grass and weeds.
- Fins and condenser: You may not be able to see the thin fins and condenser coil looking through the side grille, but they are there. Cut back vegetation so that it doesn’t obstruct airflow through the grille nor gets sucked into it.
Being mindful of your yard work actually helps you boost HVAC efficiency and performance. If you have any questions about HVAC systems and efficiency, please contact the professionals at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions today.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).