Want to Save Energy and Money? Try a Zoning System

Keeping every room in your home at consistent temperatures isn’t just hard work, but it can also be energy intensive. You can fiddle with the thermostat as much as you want, but it’ll only make some rooms in your home too warm while leaving others too cold. Meanwhile, you’re wasting energy and money on rooms that don’t need as much warmth. A zoning system can help put an end to inconsistent temperatures in your home while helping you save energy and money.
How Zoning Systems Promote Energy Efficiency
Zoning systems divide your home into several separate climate control zones. Each zone has its own thermostat that can be independently adjusted to provide appropriate levels of warmth. This means you can keep a couple of your most used rooms in your Orlando home nice and cozy while blocking airflow to seldom-used rooms.
With zoning systems, you won’t have to run your furnace as much as you normally would with a single thermostat. By reducing furnace run time, you’ll be able to reduce your home’s energy consumption by a significant amount.
Zoning Systems Can Save You Money
Along with reducing energy consumption, a zoning system can also help you save on your utility bills. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, zoning systems can help you save as much as 30 percent on your heating bills. Considering how nearly half of your home’s utility costs consist of heating and cooling, you could end up saving hundreds of dollars each year.
To learn more about how a zoning system can benefit your home, contact us at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions, proudly serving Orlando and surrounding areas since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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