Improve Comfort by Installing a Dehumidifier
Dec 10, 2015

Orlando’s humidity levels are above 50 percent for the majority of the year, well above the ideal range of 30 to 50 percent. Staying cool in this muggy air requires using a dehumidifier along with air conditioner. Here are some reasons to choose a whole-house dehumidifier for your home:
- A portable dehumidifier may be adequate for a small cottage or apartments. If you have a larger building, you will need multiple small units. Choosing a whole-house dehumidifier will do a better job meeting your needs and will use less electricity.
- Whole-house dehumidifiers are connected to the plumbing, making emptying the reservoir unnecessary. If you need to drain the collection reservoir very often, this will save you time.
- People suffering from asthma, allergies or other respiratory problems should not be breathing dust, mold, or pollen. In addition to removing excess moisture from the air inside your home, dehumidifiers remove this debris from your air.
- Not everybody feels comfortable at the same humidity levels. You can adjust the percent of humidity in the air to your preferred levels with no more effort than adjusting the temperature on your air conditioner.
- People perceive humid air as warmer than dry air, even when the air conditioners are set to the same temperatures. Whole-house dehumidifiers will keep people comfortable at warmer temperatures, saving you money on your power bill.
Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions has been keeping customers in Orlando, Florida comfortably cool and dry since 1969. If you’d like to learn more about how whole-house dehumidifiers can help your family, call us today!
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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