Easy Ways to Reduce Wasted Energy in Commercial Buildings

Today, not only builders and designers of new structures are interested in ways to reduce wasted energy in commercial buildings. Owners and facility managers of existing buildings have a stake, too. One consulting firm has projected that retrofitting energy saving equipment and operating procedures into already constructed buildings could cut energy consumption by nearly 30 percent over the next five years. This could total almost $300 million in yearly savings while taking 360 million tons of greenhouse gases out of the environment.
For buildings still on the drawing board, new innovations and construction materials are being designed into the structure that will cut the energy consumption profile dramatically. For those structures already standing, however, here are some ways to reduce wasted energy in commercial buildings.
Conform Operations to Energy Priorities
Changes in operational policies in buildings can reap big energy savings without making any changes to the structure. For example, studying occupancy patterns may reveal additional spans of time during which air conditioning and heating can be shut down and/or lighting reduced in public areas.
Revert to Efficiency
Many existing buildings were actually designed for efficiency and initially operated in compliance with a valid energy-saving strategy. Many have gradually become energy-wasters over a period of time, however, simply because once-effective procedures and policies have been allowed to slide. Look for ways building maintenance and operations may have lapsed and allowed efficiency to slip to a lower priority, then get back on track
Optimize Heating and Cooling
Boilers and chillers in commercial structures represent about 20 percent of the building’s total energy consumption. Recognizing this fact means coordinating maintenance and operational efforts to ensure that, during hours of highest daily demand, this equipment is always running at peak efficiency. Evaluate aging, outmoded equipment and consider replacing sooner, rather than later, with new, more efficient technology to cut waste and begin realizing energy cost savings in the near term.
For more concepts on how to reduce wasted energy in commercial buildings in Orlando, contact Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about reducing wasted energy in commercial buildings and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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