Duct Cleaning: Because The Stuff In There Shouldn’t Be In Your Air

Dirty ducts can be a source of unhealthy pollutants, including mold spores, germs, pollen, dust and insect infestations. Duct cleaning is essential to improving your home’s air, as a buildup of these contaminants can cause respiratory problems, allergies and asthma.
Duct cleaning is especially important if you notice any of the following issues:
- Visible mold growth inside ducts or on heating or cooling component surfaces. The Orlando area is often humid, which contributes to mold growth.
- Dust entering your home through HVAC vents, or indoor air quality that clearly needs improving.
- Insects or rodents living inside your air ducts.
Since it is difficult to reach inside air ducts, many homeowners choose to hire professionals when their ducts need cleaning. Professional contractors will know how to clean hard-to-reach ducts, and they will know how to properly clean or disinfect different types of pollutants.
After your air ducts are clean, it’s a good idea to fix mold-inducing moisture leaks and install an air-purification system to prevent future pollutant buildup. An air cleaner will filter out particles, such as dust and pollen. Top-quality electric air conditioners will also remove odors, such as smoke and unhealthy fumes.
If you find mold when you clean your air ducts, or if you’ve been getting sick frequently, consider installing a ultraviolet light purification system. Many hospitals and food processing facilities use UV lights to sterilize their equipment, and you can also use this technology in your home. UV lights kill biological contaminants, including germs, viruses and mold spores.
For help with duct cleaning in the Orlando area or for help installing an air cleaning system, contact the friendly experts at Rinald’s Air Conditioning.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about duct cleaning and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Rinaldi’s services Orlando, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!