Here’s What the Info on the EnergyGuide Label Means

Replacing a home appliance due to an irreparable failure or an expensive repair isn’t an easy process. You have to research many products and features, compare costs, and come to a reasonable decision to meet your needs. Whether you’re rushed to replace an HVAC system or it’s a planned upgrade, the information on the bright yellow EnergyGuide label can help!
Top Label Section
EnergyGuide labels display important product information in the top, middle, and bottom areas. The top left area of the label, you find information about the specific appliance type and the key features it includes. The appliance’s make, model, and size are displayed in the top right portion of the label.
Middle Box
The middle portion of the EnergyGuide label provides key information about the appliance’s energy usage, and a graphic that indicates how the appliance’s efficiency compares to that of other similar models. A sliding bar shows the estimated annual energy cost range of the appliance based on the national average.
Located above the bar, the estimated annual energy cost of the appliance is displayed, which gives you an easy visual of how it compares to other models.
Bottom Area
The bottom area of the label gives you the estimated annual energy usage for the appliance. You can use this number and plug in your local energy costs to get an estimate of how much the appliance will cost to operate each year. If you see the Energy Star logo in the corner, you know that the appliance is very efficient.
Lifetime Cost
You may use the information on the EnergyGuide label to conduct a basic lifetime cost analysis of different models you are comparing. Add up the first cost and the estimated lifetime operating cost. Your HVAC contractor will have the specs on estimated maintenance and repairs. Though, you may compare the savings differences between models of first cost and energy usage based on the information you garner from the label.
For more information on how to use the information on the EnergyGuide label, please contact Rinaldi’s Energy Solution. We’ve served Central Florida residents since 1969!
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Public Domain/Wikipedia”