How to Save Energy in Late Spring and Early Summer

You want to save energy and you try to save energy, but are you getting good results with lower energy bills? As summer arrives in the Orlando area, saving energy while maintaining a comfortable home is a daily labor for many homeowners — and not always a successful one. If this sounds familiar, use this guide to find new ways to enjoy summer savings and stay cool and comfortable.
Using Ceiling Fans
It sounds too simple to be true. Using your ceiling fans to stay comfortable can save a substantial amount of energy. Ceiling fans create a windchill effect that can make a room feel up to seven degrees cooler. Turn off fans in rooms that aren’t occupied.
Let In Fresh Air
In late spring and early summer, take advantage of cooler days and evenings by turning off your A/C and opening windows. You will also enjoy more healthful indoor air with natural ventilation.
Window Coverings
Window coverings help block heat gain by conduction and radiant heat. Installing blinds, window screens, shades, shutters, awnings, and/or layered drapes allow you to block sunlight on sun-facing rooms to help keep these rooms of your home cooler.
Replace HVAC Air Filters
Did you know a dirty air filter may increase energy bills by up to 15 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy? Moreover, a dirty filter increases wear and tear on your A/C system. Stay on top of filter changes to maximize summer savings.
Consistent Thermostat Temperatures
If you are still using a digital or manual thermostat, consider upgrading to a programmable model or the latest smart thermostats. Programmable and smart thermostats allow you to schedule temperature changes in line with your lifestyle.
During times when you are at home, program the temperature as high as you can comfortably endure. When no one is home, turn up the thermostat even more. The Energy Star program suggests 78 degrees for comfort temperatures and 83 to 88 degrees during work and sleep hours.
To learn more about summer savings or to schedule an A/C service, please contact the professionals at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions today.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).