Do You Need a Break? So Does Your Wallet — Tips to Saving Money on Vacation

Vacations often see us spending extra money. This year, spending a little time preparing your home for the time you will be away could help you save money that can be used toward that vacation. Saving money on vacation is good for both your wallet and your peace of mind.
Unplug energy vampires. Energy vampires are things within your home that use up energy simply by being plugged in. These can be as simple as phone chargers or the toaster or be extreme energy users such as computers and televisions. By unplugging any electrical cords that will not be in use during your vacation, you can save money by not having them on standby.
Turn off hot water heater and refrigerator. If possible, emptying your refrigerator before vacation will allow you to turn it off while away. The same applies to hot water heaters. You can either turn them off completely or leave just the pilot light on. The money saved on these two things alone will be seen on your next bill.
Make sure the house is sealed properly. Yearly maintenance on your home of things like air leaks, window insulation and duct maintenance will keep your home safe while you are away and make it easier to find a comfort level when you return. Air conditioners or heaters won’t have to use as much energy getting the house to a comfortable temperature.
Install programmable lights and thermostats. Saving money on vacation doesn’t mean you have to leave your home at risk of appearing empty or be insufferably hot upon return. By taking time to install programmable lights to come on a portion of each day, you allow your home to appear occupied. A programmable thermostat will allow you to come home to a comfortable temperature, without having to leave the air conditioner on the whole time you are away.
For more advice on saving money on vacation, contact Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions, central Florida’s expert air conditioning and plumbing service. We’ve provided customers with answers for 45 years and will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about saving money and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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