Summer Attic Safety Tips

During the summer season, the idea of attic safety takes on a whole new meaning thanks to the rising temperatures. Luckily, you can stay safe by following a few simple tips, which we’ve outlined below:
Remember That Clothing Matters
To protect yourself from cuts, scrapes, and worse injuries, you should always wear proper clothing. You don’t need to be extravagent or spend a bunch of money, but you should always wear a good pair of pants, long-sleeved shirt, gloves, safety goggles, and safety hat.
Work Early Whenever Possible
Since the early morning is typically the coolest time of each day, this is when you should do the majority of your work in the attic. And if you’re hiring an HVAC technician for any of the tasks that you need to complete, they will appreciate early morning hours, too.
Don’t Forget to Stay Hydrated
Heat exhaustion is no joke, especially when you’re working in a warm attic and expending a great deal of energy. Before you begin work, be sure to gather up some water and take it into the attic with you. And once the water’s all gone, be sure to go get more. This is especially important as the day goes on and the temperature becomes more unbearable.
Be Careful Where You Step
You should only step on secure joists and rafters to help you prevent falls while working in the attic. You should especially be careful when working around insulation, because it’s difficult to tell if the area beneath the insulation is safe to step on.
Invest in a Personal Fall Arrest System
The best way to stay safe from a possible fall is to use a Personal Fall Arrest System. This consists of a safety harness, tethered line, and anchor – all working in concert to keep you secure at all times.
If you need more assistance with attic safety or have any other home comfort concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the friendly experts at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions. We’ve been helping Orlando residents and those in surrounding areas with all their HVAC needs since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).