Tags: heat pump system | Rinaldis

Your Forced-Air System: Are You Familiar With How It Works?

Your Forced-Air System: Are You Familiar With How It Works?

January 24, 2013

A ducted forced-air system is the type you’ll find in most Florida homes, with a furnace and air conditioner or an air-source heat pump used for both heating and cooling. While there are variations in how these systems work, the basics are fairly simple. Getting familiar with how your system heats and cools can help …

Using Programmable Thermostat Settings To Save — And Keep On Saving

Using Programmable Thermostat Settings To Save — And Keep On Saving

October 23, 2012

Using programmable thermostat settings to control the indoor air temperature in your home all year long can make a huge difference in lowering your utility bills while still keeping your home comfortable for your family. Programmable thermostats allow you to change a room or zone’s temperature depending upon your family’s activity patterns. Many programmable thermostats …