Making the Switch to Tankless Water Heating: 7 Key Considerations

Are you considering switching from a conventional storage tank water heater to a tankless water heating system in your Orlando area home? By skipping the energy waste inherent in traditional storage-tank units, tankless water heaters usually are much more energy efficient and cost-effective. If you’re making the switch, here are seven key considerations:
Know Your Hot Water Needs
Generally, a small tankless water heater can support both your bathroom and kitchen needs, while whole-house models can serve the needs of a modest household. To select the most effective model, work with a plumber to determine the flow rates of all your fixtures, coldest incoming water temperatures, and family usage patterns. Some households may choose to install more than one tankless water heater, perhaps installing one whole-house unit and one or more point-of-use models.
Understand Dishwasher and Clothes Washer Needs
Some appliances will heat water internally; others will need a supply of hot water from a water heater. Understanding which you have will help you select the correct size heater.
Planning the Water Heater Location
Tankless water heaters that are fueled by natural gas require air for combustion and amble venting for exhaust. When installing, be sure that direct venting is within three feet of an operable window. Electric-powered tankless systems are also available.
Check Your Gas and Water Supplies
Because a gas-fueled tankless water heating produces as much as four times the BTUs as a conventional water heater, a professional technician should verify your current gas line length, size and gas meter to ensure enough gas can flow to your new unit. The same should be done with your water piping.
Avoid Lengthy Runs Between Heater and Faucet
Tankless water heaters are efficient because they generate hot water only when the tap is turned on. You’ll want to install your water heater near your most-used faucets.
Make Sure You Adhere to Building Codes
A missed detail during preliminary reviews can lead to an expensive and messy re-sort. Make sure you and your plumber get things right the first time.
Use the Right Venting Material
Gas-fueled tankless water heaters use specific venting material made of stainless steel with built in seals. Make sure the correct specification is used in your house.
For more information on tankless water heating, please contact us at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.
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