UV Lights Are Efficient Air Purifiers if You Change Bulbs on Schedule

Take a quick look around and you’ll find a number of products available that are designed to help you improve your home’s indoor air quality. One of the most effective of these are UV lights, which you may not even be aware of. With proper installation and scheduled changing on the bulbs, these lights can help keep your air clear of organic pollutants for years to come.
Effective in Eliminating Microorganisms
In case you’ve never heard the term before, microorganisms are organic pollutants that range from mold and mildew to viruses and bacteria. At any given time, a large number of these elements are floating around in the air of your Central Florida home. The real danger is when they’re inhaled into your lungs and cause problems, especially for sufferers of allergies or asthma.
Two Installation Locations
These microorganisms have no defense against ultraviolet radiation. When exposed, their molecular bonds break down, essentially eliminating the threat. The trick to getting rid of these pollutants is installation. A UV light system can be installed by a licensed HVAC professional within your home’s HVAC system with the intention of treating either the air that passes through your ductwork or the components of the system itself. If you want them to be especially effective, installation can be done at both locations.
Scheduled Replacement
UV lights are highly effective in cleaning your home’s air, but they won’t last forever. Sticking to a regular replacement schedule is crucial in order to maintain their usefulness. If they’re treating your system’s components, you’ll only need to worry about bulb replacement once every two years. Bulbs being used with the ducts, on the other hand, require replacement once a year. You can be a little late with replacement from time to time, but whatever you do, don’t go over the three year mark. This will damage the lights. For more expert advice on UV lights, or if you have other home comfort questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the friendly professionals at Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Orlando and Central Florida since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about UV lights and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Image courtesy of Shutterstock