Top Must-Have Equipment for Your Energy-Efficient Home

Life in Orlando isn’t cheap, but by investing in innovative equipment for an energy-efficient home, you can cut your expenses, while also enjoying greater comfort and convenience.
Heat pump – Although gas furnaces are great for areas with cold winters, they aren’t always worth the investment in our mild climate. A heat pump provides an efficient alternative for heating and cooling. Depending on your needs and local utilities cost, a dual-fuel (hybrid) heat pump may be right for your home. These systems can switch between gas and electricity, using whichever is most cost-effective at the time.
If you heat with electricity, you’ll see even greater savings from a heat pump. Switching from an electric resistance heating system, such as an electric furnace, to a heat pump can reduce your electricity use by up to 40 percent.
Ductless mini-splits – Even if your home doesn’t have air ducts, you can still benefit from the efficiency of a heat pump by installing a mini-split system. These systems consist of an outdoor unit and one or more indoor air handlers. These air handlers, typically mounted high on the wall or ceiling, send air directly into the room.
Programmable thermostat – Setting your furnace’s thermostat back 10 degrees for eight hours a day can knock 5 to 15 percent off your heating bills. Similar savings are possible by raising your A/C temperature. A programmable thermostat makes it easy to save this way because you won’t have to remember to adjust the thermostat every day. These thermostats are also among the most affordable equipment for an energy-efficient home.
Heat pumps require programmable thermostats designed specifically for them. Standard models can unnecessarily trigger the heat pump’s auxiliary heat, eliminating any energy savings.
Heat/energy recovery ventilation – Without additional equipment, a ventilation system can waste conditioned air and let in excess humidity. A heat recovery ventilation (HRV) system uses a heat exchanger to minimize heat loss or gain. An energy recovery ventilation (ERV) system manages humidity, as well as heat.
For professional guidance on choosing the right equipment for an energy-efficient home, contact Rinaldi’s Air Conditioning Service anywhere in the Orlando area.
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