Heat Pumps | Page 4 of 4 | Rinaldi's Air Conditioning & Heating

Proper Maintenance Extends The Life Of Your Heat Pump

Proper Maintenance Extends The Life Of Your Heat Pump

November 15, 2011

How much life you get out of your heat pump will depend largely on how well you take care of it. With a proper amount of care, especially in a climate as warm as Orlando’s, you should be able to get at least 15 years from your heating system. Annual heat pump maintenance is one of the …

HSPF Ratings: Why They Matter When You’re Buying A Heat Pump

HSPF Ratings: Why They Matter When You’re Buying A Heat Pump

October 25, 2011

When buying a heat pump for your Orlando area home, it’s important to pay attention to the HSPF ratings, or heating seasonal performance factor. This rating determines the quality and effectiveness of the heat pump that you are buying with a ratio of BTU (or British thermal unit) heat output over a heating season to …

Have A Hunch Your Attic Insulation Isn’t As It Should Be?

Have A Hunch Your Attic Insulation Isn’t As It Should Be?

July 14, 2011

Do you think you pay more to heat and cool your home than you should? Does it take more energy now than it did when your house was new to maintain the comfort level you need? If so, this might be a good time to have your attic inspected. You may be able to save on your utility bills and keep …

Air-Source Options for Heat-Pump Systems

Air-Source Options for Heat-Pump Systems

July 7, 2011

The hot days of summer are here in Orlando, and an air-source heat pump is your best bet for economic cooling. Even though the term “heat pump” doesn’t necessarily make you think of air conditioning, a heat pump is actually a system that will cool down your house in a hurry during the Florida heat, …