Tags: home energy efficiency | Rinaldis

Is Your Ductwork Showing Signs of Decline? How to Tell

Is Your Ductwork Showing Signs of Decline? How to Tell

December 19, 2013

Ductwork doesn’t last forever. Over time, duct components can rust or corrode, sections separate, and accumulated debris cause airflow obstructions that compromise energy efficiency and/or indoor air quality. Poor duct design in older homes also will have a negative effect on your heating and cooling system.

Energy Evaluation: Have You Planned Yours for Fall?

Energy Evaluation: Have You Planned Yours for Fall?

December 10, 2013

Now that the weather is cooling off, it’s a good time to schedule an energy evaluation that will pay off in reduced heating and cooling bills for years to come. The audit, when performed by an HVAC contractor or an energy auditor, will show you precisely where you have air leaks and thermal losses in …

Have A Hunch Your Attic Insulation Isn’t As It Should Be?

Have A Hunch Your Attic Insulation Isn’t As It Should Be?

July 14, 2011

Do you think you pay more to heat and cool your home than you should? Does it take more energy now than it did when your house was new to maintain the comfort level you need? If so, this might be a good time to have your attic inspected. You may be able to save on your utility bills and keep …