Heating Old Homes Without Breaking the Bank

Modern homes have quite a few advantages over older homes, much of which is due to newer technology that didn’t exist many years ago. The good news is that heating old homes this winter season can be done just as efficiently as it can with new homes.
Here are five options that you have for upgrades and new installations that will bring your home up to speed while lowering your energy usage and monthly utility bills:
Radiant Floor Heating
Heating from the floor up is possible with radiant flooring, which can be installed under most flooring types by a certified technician. These panels will keep your feet warm, along with your entire home.
Forced-Air System
This type of system is used by most modern homes today. Older homes can be equipped as well, but keep in mind that due to what’s required in its design, you’ll most likely need to sacrifice some closet space. Plus, the installation might be a little unsightly.
Mini-Duct Forced-Air System
Although a mini-duct system is typically thought of when it comes to cooling off a home, it can be used to heat a home, too. This is accomplished with the use of an electric furnace and is a good alternative to a standard forced-air setup.
Hot-Water and Steam Radiators
The use of hot-water and steam radiators fell out of favor for a number of years, but they’re beginning to crop up again. They do a great job at heating old homes and are more energy-efficient than other systems.
Solar Power
What better way to bring your older home into the present day than with a renewable energy source that is likely to become a mainstay across the country in the somewhat near future. Millions of homeowners have been harnessing the power of the sun and reaping the energy benefits for decades.
If you’re looking for more advice on heating old homes or other home comfort issues, contact the professionals at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions. We’ve been serving the HVAC needs of Orlando and the surrounding area since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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