Tags: high-efficiency furnace | Rinaldis

What You Should Consider When Shopping for a New Furnace

What You Should Consider When Shopping for a New Furnace

November 17, 2015

Selecting a new furnace can be a bewildering task, but when you know the basic guidelines, it’s easier to make a good decision. Making your choice based on the fundamentals of HVAC systems and your home’s requirements will increase your comfort and overall satisfaction for the long term.

Why Closing Rooms to Save Energy Can Be Opening Yourself to Trouble

Why Closing Rooms to Save Energy Can Be Opening Yourself to Trouble

November 19, 2013

Have you gotten into the habit of closing rooms to conserve energy during the winter? If so, that’s a habit you should break. A recent study by Berkeley Lab found that closing registers and blocking off rooms may actually cause your heating system to use more energy than if it was heating the entire house. …