High-Efficiency | Rinaldi's Air Conditioning & Heating

What You Should Consider When Shopping for a New Furnace

What You Should Consider When Shopping for a New Furnace

November 17, 2015

Selecting a new furnace can be a bewildering task, but when you know the basic guidelines, it’s easier to make a good decision. Making your choice based on the fundamentals of HVAC systems and your home’s requirements will increase your comfort and overall satisfaction for the long term.

A Look At High-Performance Features On Today’s Furnaces

A Look At High-Performance Features On Today’s Furnaces

February 7, 2013

If the furnace in your Florida home is more than 15 years old, it’s probably quite a bit less efficient than systems on the market today. While your furnace could have an efficiency of less than 70 percent, high-performance systems available now have efficiency ratings as high as 99 percent. If you’re shopping for a …

Lower Your Heating And Cooling Load For Savings Both Now And When You Replace Your System

Lower Your Heating And Cooling Load For Savings Both Now And When You Replace Your System

January 5, 2012

Heating and cooling costs represent the greatest portion of a typical energy bill for most homeowners. You can save money on energy costs by lowering your home’s heating and cooling load.

Selecting A Heat Pump: Consider These Advanced Features, As Well As The Efficiency Rating

Selecting A Heat Pump: Consider These Advanced Features, As Well As The Efficiency Rating

January 3, 2012

If you’re in the market for a new heat pump, there are a few advanced features (along with energy-efficiency ratings) currently available that you should keep in mind.

How A Variable-Speed Blower Motor Can Extend The Life Of Your Furnace

How A Variable-Speed Blower Motor Can Extend The Life Of Your Furnace

December 27, 2011

When a motor has to operate at full throttle, it has to work harder and is more likely to die sooner. Unfortunately, for a long time, the only option for a furnace motor was a single-stage blower motor. This meant that the motor was either on or it was off and, once installed, there was …

How A Preventive Maintenance Plan Can Reduce Your Repairs And Keep Your System Humming

How A Preventive Maintenance Plan Can Reduce Your Repairs And Keep Your System Humming

December 22, 2011

Orlando residents count on their heating and air conditioning to stay comfortable indoors all year long. As the weather transitions into the cooler months, it’s time to think about preventive maintenance for your HVAC equipment.

Putting Together An Energy Savings Strategy To Meet Your Needs This Year And Beyond

Putting Together An Energy Savings Strategy To Meet Your Needs This Year And Beyond

September 29, 2011

With winter on the way, it’s time to make sure your home is ready for the cold weather that is approaching. These energy saving tips will help you stay warm this season as well as save you money all year round.

How Your HVAC Contractor Will Tailor Your High-Efficiency Air-Conditioning System To Your Home’s Exact Requirements

How Your HVAC Contractor Will Tailor Your High-Efficiency Air-Conditioning System To Your Home’s Exact Requirements

September 13, 2011

What kind of air conditioning system does your central Florida home require?

Shopping For That New Air-Conditioning System? Look For The Energy Star Label and The SEER Rating

Shopping For That New Air-Conditioning System? Look For The Energy Star Label and The SEER Rating

August 25, 2011

One of the most important features to look for on your next air conditioner may be a small paper label.

Is This The Year For An Upgrade? Give High-Efficiency Air Conditioning A Try

Is This The Year For An Upgrade? Give High-Efficiency Air Conditioning A Try

July 12, 2011

You might have heard the term ‘high-efficiency air conditioning’ used here and there without knowing exactly how it’s different from standard central air. If your central air conditioning is in need of an upgrade, there are many reasons why a high-efficiency air conditioning unit would be a good choice: